First Aid Advise

Workplace First Aid Training

Workplace first aid training is a task that most businesses have to undertake, and with recent changes in legislation; it’s now a necessity to have at least one first aider per floor within a building. In order for a person to obtain the qualification however, it’s always been considered a necessity to have to book the training, and then travel to the location. This isn’t always an option for people, and that’s where first aid training within a work place comes in handy.

What to Expect from Workplace Training

As expected, workplace training takes place within a working environment. This means that the trainers will attend a particular site or location, and then undertake the training, as opposed to from their own facility. As the education is the most important element of first aid training, it doesn’t matter where it takes place; all that matters is that the equipment is valid and usable, and that the trainer is able to educate the attendee or class.

Before your first aid training, you will be instructed on the basics of first aid in general. Most people consider first aid to be a simple task, but the truth is that it has many unique elements, and each of these are better suited to tackling a particular emergency. For example, CPR is a form of first aid, and it is incredibly useful when attempting to resuscitate a person that has suffered a heart attack, or has been made unconscious by some type of trauma.

CPR is therefore no use when it comes to stemming blood flow from a gaping wound, and this is the type of information that your trainer will cover during your session or sessions. Depending on the type of first aid training that you require, your trainer will tailor your class to reflect that need.

How Long Does Training Take?

Training is usually divided in to several sessions, and these sessions cover several different elements. From an introductory phase, to your examination period, you can expect to spend at least a few hours per session, with a minimum of four hours for most training courses. Modern methods of training are understandably a little longer than older methods – and this is down to a change in techniques as the years have progressed.

Will You Get Paid for your Training?

The only person that can answer this question properly is your employer. There have been instances where employers have offered to pay for travel and expenses, but there is no legal requirement to do so, and therefore many employees have had to sacrifice wages in order to receive their training. This is because of the fact that your qualification will stay with you, wherever you go – even if you leave your current employer – although many employees will still receive payment or compensation for their time.

Fortunately, workplace first aid training differs, in the sense that it takes place within your work environment. As you will be undertaking the course within your workplace, your employer will pay you for your sessions. They are required to do so by law, and therefore you can rest assured that you won’t have to sacrifice on training.